Monday, February 27, 2017

Tall buildings and barren plazas in 1986

"In 1986, CIVITAS initiated a study, No More Tall Stories, which makes the case for lower buildings, with the same heights as their neighbours, and elimination of plazas along Upper East Side avenues. Paul Newman narrates the video illustrating the issue. For more information about this and other CIVITAS initiatives, visit our website:"

Friday, February 17, 2017

Density, short blocks, address the street, social gathering places, and biophilic design

"American cities are pretty much made for cars, which means they're not very easy for humans to navigate. And when you consider that cities are supposed to be made for humans to live in -- and that by 2050, two-thirds of the global population will live in cities, which already account for 70 percent of the planet's carbon emissions -- that's a bit of a problem."

"We talked to Dan Burden, walkability expert, on what factors are most important to transform our cities into places that are easier and more fun to live in, and less impactful on the ol' climate at the same time."

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Future planning

"Cities are resurgent. Increasingly they’re where new jobs, economic growth, and people are all thriving. From Miami to Munich and São Paulo to Shanghai, the world’s cities are multiplying in number and growing in size."

"Already, more than half of the world’s population lives in urban areas. By midcentury, that share will grow to two-thirds, the U.N. predicts. This urbanization comes at a cost, though. Infrastructure is strained. Cars are multiplying but roads are not, so congestion is worsening. And the supply of vital resources — energy, clean air and fresh water — is imperiled."


Wednesday, February 1, 2017