Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Data visualization

 "Data visualisation helps us to understand the world. It also has the power to change it."

Remember this post about John Snow, see more in this video.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Ingredient list for walkable communities

 Walkable communities should have:

  1. Small block size;
  2. Buildings fronting the street;
  3. Mixed land use;
  4. Connected streets;
  5. On-street parking;
  6. Street trees; 
  7. Sidewalks; 
  8. Narrow streets;
  9. Lower traffic speeds, and;
  10. Traffic volumes.

from: https://www.cnu.org/publicsquare/2023/12/22/ten-features-walkable-communities

Do you agree? What would you add?