Thursday, June 9, 2016

Breaking news!

The government of Ontario released its Climate Change Action Plan today and while they should be commended by adopting specific targets includes a specific action "Land-use planning: Support low-carbon communities" which will be achieved by "good community planning can substantially reduce greenhouse gas pollution from transportation, buildings, business and industry ― and help deliver a cleaner, healthier environment for residents. As an example, studies show that compact, mixed-use and pedestrian-oriented city designs can decrease transportation emissions per household by 24 to 50 per cent, compared to conventional suburban neighbourhoods. Stemming the ability of urban sprawl to extend through rural lands not only reduces emissions ― it protects valuable agricultural lands, natural resources, and ecosystems for the future." 

It is a lofty goal but the question is the use of the photograph for the action's title page. The street doesn't have any sidewalks. How can a neighbourhood be sustainable when pedestrian don't have a dedicated space on the street?

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