Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Multi-Modal Success Story

"Perhaps one of the best transportation stories of 2016 comes from Vancouver, B.C. where they have achieved a 50% sustainable mode share (bike, walk, transit) a full four years earlier than goal (2020). 10% of all work commuters now rider bikes to work."

"Long traditionally a region that prides itself on transportation options and rejecting the freeway movement in the 1960's and 70's (still the only major city in North America that boasts no freeways within its core) what Vancouver has done is set an impressive goal to have at least two-thirds of all trips by sustainable ways by 2040."

Monday, December 12, 2016

Clean green jobs

“The basic facts are simple. When we invest, say, $1 million in building the green economy, this creates about 17 jobs within the United States. By comparison, if we continue to spend as we do on fossil fuels and nuclear energy, you create only about 5 jobs per $1 million in spending. That is, we create about 12 more jobs for every $1 million in spending — 300 percent more jobs — every time we spend on building the green economy as opposed to maintaining our dependence on dirty and dangerous oil, coal, natural gas, and nuclear power.”

Friday, December 9, 2016

Living walls vs polluted cities

"A new report says that green building envelopes, often dismissed as architectural window dressing, are slashing by 20 percent street level air pollution and muffling traffic noise by up to 10 decibels in certain situations."

"In Cities Alive: Green Building Envelope, research firm Arup calls on developers and planners to implement strategic approaches toward “greening” and to harness the benefits of living walls and green roofs to help create a cleaner and healthier environment for all, reports Construction Inquirer."

from: http://www.childrenandnature.org/2016/11/25/study-backs-spread-of-living-walls-for-polluted-cities/