Monday, December 14, 2020

Cars and streets


from here:

Monday, June 29, 2020

Policing & community design

"Widespread outrage and protests over recent acts of police violence in the United States have prompted a renewed national conversation on policing reform. Studio Gang's Polis Station seeks to contribute to this critical dialogue by exploring how design can help people imagine changes in police-community relations."

Friday, June 26, 2020

Video of the week - Green Roofs in New York City

"We took a field trip to the largest green roof in New York City. Then we imagined what the city could be like if all of its roof space was green."

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Neighbourhood building blocks

"Neighborhoods vary a lot, but they have five basic characteristics. We keep these in mind when planning a new neighborhood or when carefully updating or restoring an existing one."

  1. an identifiable center & edge
  2. limited in size
  3. a mix of land uses & building types & housing types and prices
  4. an integrated network of walkable streets
  5. sites reserved for civic purposes

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Post pandemic urban planning

"From Auckland to Bogota, urban planners are already adapting our cities to lockdown. But will the changes last, and which more radical design proposals -- be it sewer monitors or "epidemic skyscrapers" -- will shape the post-pandemic city?"

“Six feet could be the new unit we use when we think about cities and public parks.”


Thursday, May 14, 2020

Monday, February 3, 2020

20-minute neighbourhoods

"People generally loved the thought that most (not all) of the things needed for a good life could be within a 20-minute public transport trip, bike ride or walk from home. These are things such as shopping, business services, education, community facilities, recreational and sporting resources, and some jobs"

"The concept is not about travel by car. It is about active transport (walking, cycling) and the use of public transport. The goal is that this combination of modes would offer a reasonably sized catchment area in which people, jobs and services, including recreational opportunities and nature, are accessible."
