Thursday, July 21, 2016

Cool street?

Do you live in one of these "cool" neighbourhoods?

"A new breed of retailers is connecting with millennial consumers on their own terms at that seemingly disappearing mid-market price point. This phenomenon is not happening in the malls or High streets or Main streets, but on what we call the COOL STREETS.

This report explores the rise of dozens of exciting new retail districts across the United States and Canada in urban neighborhoods profoundly impacted by the rise of the millennial consumer. The renaissance occurring on these COOL STREETS has been driven by an explosion of new restaurant and retail concepts.

Make no mistake about it, these are largely hipster neighborhoods notable for their embrace of the unconventional, out-of-the-box, and the cool. But they are also up-and-coming trade areas driven by dramatic demographic shifts and the preference for urban living. In an age of increasing retail uncertainty, COOL STREETS serve as an incubator of sorts for what will likely be the hottest new retail concepts of tomorrow.

The COOL STREETS of North America report details these trends and lists what we believe to be the 100 most important Cool Streets in North America right now."

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