Tuesday, July 26, 2016

New uses for alleyways

"The alley is dark no longer. In the United States, these almost-accidental spaces between buildings have existed in a sort of limbo: not quite streets, but still thoroughfares; not private, but not public enough to feel protected; backdrops to crime, or filled with trash heaps. But as cities grow increasingly strapped for space, neglecting these narrow streets is no longer a viable option. Cities from Los Angeles to Baltimore to Seattle are rethinking their alleyways and transforming dead ends into into places of connectivity and productivity."

from: http://www.citylab.com/cityfixer/2016/07/a-new-life-for-urban-alleys/491207

In Melbourne, they have taken it to a whole new level, including "al fresco eateries, one-off shops and cosy litte bars all nestle side-by-side in laneways threading throughout the city. Each arcade has its own individual character and charm." 

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