Monday, August 29, 2016

The history of cities

"About 10,000 years ago, hunter-gatherers, aided by rudimentary agriculture, moved to semi-permanent villages and never looked back. With further developments came food surpluses, leading to commerce, specialization and, many years later with the Industrial Revolution, the modern city."

"Vance Kite plots our urban past and how we can expect future cities to adapt to our growing populations."

"Projects such as New York City’s High Line are shining examples of forgotten parts of a city being redeveloped into spaces that draw people and commerce from far and wide. As artisans and entrepreneurs bring life back into urban areas, many experts are beginning to talk about the environmental benefit of city life."

"A cursory consideration of city life might lead one to believe that it is much less sustainable than an existence lived out on a farm in the country. Upon further examination, however, one might realize that city dwellers inhabit smaller spaces, drive far less, and procure goods from nearby shops."

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