Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Fun links of the day!

Mapping Every Single New York City Pedestrian Plaza

"New Yorkers do a lot of walking, most of it very quickly. After all, there are places to go, people to see, and things to do. But there are rare occasions when there is the time and desire for a leisurely stroll. Enter the pedestrian plaza—those stretches, often subsuming actual vehicular roadways, where one can walk, sit, and (occasionally) do a whole host of other things."


"Everything about gentrification is controversial — even its definition. One recent study by sociologist Michael Barton compared how the New York Times and researchers used the term to talk about city neighborhoods; he found very little agreement about where change was happening. That’s not the only thing we can’t agree on. Gentrification is painted alternately as a destroyer of neighborhoods or a savior of cities. These competing views are driven in part by misconceptions about what the word means and what it entails."



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