Thursday, July 20, 2017

Places for people downtown

"Rethinking alleys matters because livable gathering places in the heart of city blocks sparks neighbor-to-neighbor engagement, and cities grow healthier with more person-to-person interaction in public spaces full of life."
Alleys acts a thoroughfares for pedestrians. They are mid-block connections and can become livable spaces, acting like make-shift parks and places for public art and more.

The City of Vancouver is looking for ideas from the public to improve its downtown places. "Vancouver’s public spaces – our plazas, squares, streets, laneways, pathways, and waterfront – are where public life happens."

Alley Oop is only of those places:

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And it is not just Vancouver. "2017 seems to be the “Year of the Alley Activation” in Seattle. Two separate alley activation projects just wrapped up in Chinatown and the University District, and two more projects are still on the way for Pioneer Square later this year. The most successful and beloved active alley known to Seattleites and visitors alike is Post Alley, which weaves its way through the Pike Place Market Historic District featuring a mix of restaurants and specialty shops, the famous gum wall, and its iconic namesake signage."

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